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Gitam university

Mehta Solutions CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT     case study.. Product #: case1000 Regular price: Rs500 Rs500


Product Code: case1000
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Price: Rs500

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Part Two:

Q1. Why e- CRM is important in present life?

Q2. Describe the 3 phases of ‘Waterfall Model’.

Q3. Write the significance of ‘N/13 Test’ prioritization.

Q4. What is ‘Life time value’ related with customer?

Q5. What are ‘Warehouse data(s)’?

Q6. In what way would multi-skilling help in solving the problems of the plant?


Q7. Do you think that the company’s policy of entering into term settlement is appropriate? Give reasons.

Q8. What are the key application components of Mitsubishi’s CRM system? What is the business purpose of each of them?

Q9. Do you approve of Mitsubishi’s approach to acquiring and installing its CRM system? Why or why not?

Q10. If all the numbers are large, the project way is too big. Can you identify a logical chunk of the problem that would make a setup toward improving the situation? What kind of “offer” would you want to make to your customers as a result of completing the small chunk?

Q11. Who can you get for the program core team? These must be individuals who are good enough at their real jobs that the company can’t afford to have them take on anything new. The real test of serious organizational commitment is that the company can’t afford to put anyone else on the core team; it has to be the best.


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