Mba Case Study

Mba Case Study

Mehta Solutions MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT.. Product #: case355 Regular price: Rs600 Rs600


Product Code: case355
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Price: Rs600

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1. (a) What is maintenance ? What are the objectives of maintenance department ? Discuss.
(b) Discuss measures to be taken to improve safety in maintenance. Give examples relevant to manufacturing.
2. (a) What is maintainability ? Discuss different elements of maintainability. Explain its
relationship to availability.
(b) What is the importance of Maintenance Budgeting ? Give the advantages of Zero Based Budgeting.

 3 (a)What is Terotechnology ? How is it related to maintenance management ?
(b)What is codification ? What is its significance in maintenance spare parts management ? What are the advantages ofcodification ?
MS-57 1 P.T.O.

 4. (a) Distinguish between process FMEA and design FMEA. Also discuss the merits and demerits of FMEA.

(b) List and explain the costs associated with equipment breakdown.

5. (a) Explain the significance of maintenance information system with reference to the implementation of condition based maintenance

. (b) Define Hazard rate and discuss the three periods or regions of the life cycle of a unit or device as illustrated by the "bath-tub curve".

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