Mba Case Study

Mba Case Study

Mehta Solutions PHARMACEUTICAL MARKETING  PHARMACEUTICAL MARKETING   case study.. Product #: case833 Regular price: Rs500 Rs500


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Multiple Choices:


Q1. What is the full form of „IPR‟?


  1. Intellectual property rights


  1. Intellectual patent rights


  1. Intellectual process rights


  1. International patent rights



Q2. The environment that poses tremendous opportunities for new products and services to alert marketer is an _________ environment.


  1. Ecological


  1. Social


  1. Technological


  1. Competitive



Q3. Arrange these market opportunities analysis step by step:


  1. Evaluate new opportunities in new segments


  1. Build on your strengths


iii. Explore new market opportunities


  1. Analyze your existing markets


  1. i, ii,iii,iv


  1. ii,iv,i,iii


  1. iv,ii,iii,i


  1. i,iii,iv,ii



Q4. Marketing virtually the same product with two or more brand names is a strategy of_______


  1. Family brand strategy


  1. Multiple brand strategy


  1. Individual brand


  1. Private brand



Q5. The pricing that deals with the judgmental or subjective elements of pricing is a_______


  1. Cost-based pricing


  1. Petition based pricing


  1. Market based pricing


  1. Demand based pricing



Q6. Which of the following is not a member of distribution channel?


  1. The Physician


  1. Manufacturer


  1. The consumer


  1. The transporter



Q7. Arrange the communication process in order:


  1. Medium


  1. Feedback


iii. Sender


  1. Receiver


  1. Message


  1. a) ii,iv,v,i,iii


  1. b) iii,v,i,iv,ii


  1. c) iv,i,iii,v,ii


  1. d) iii,ii,iv,i,v



Q8. The strategy used to create a demand for a product within a channel of distribution by appealing directly to the consumer is a________


  1. Pull strategy


  1. Push strategy


  1. Combination strategy


  1. Competitive strategy



Q9. Toward off a competitive threat or to create an entry barrier, some companies from different  power blocks may temporarily form a cartel it is termed as_______


  1. Franchise power


  1. Integration power


  1. Niche power


  1. Coalition power



Q10. Which of the following „R‟ is not a part of good management principle?


  1. Resources


  1. Recognition


  1. Responsibility


  1. Reward 

Part Two:


  1. Define the term “Marketing Communication”.


  1. Differentiate between „Product Item‟ and „Product Mix‟.


  1. Differentiate between „Cost Based Pricing‟ and „Demand Based Pricing‟.


  1. Describe “Boston Matrix”.



Case let 1


  1. If you were in the position of Swami, what would have been your decision? Justify keeping  qualitative aspects in mind.


  1. Discuss the various other factors, which should be considered while making capital investment  decision.



Case let 2



  1. Explain the terms in the context of the “Pharmaceutical Marketing” :


  1. Brand


  1. Trademarks


  1. Product line


  1. Explain the important point that should be considered, while packaging Also list the various dimensions of pharmaceutical market.

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