

Mehta Solutions BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT   BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT case study      .. Product #: case1297 Regular price: Rs500 Rs500


Product Code: case1297
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Price: Rs500

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In 2009, Malaren issued a recall for every stroller it had sold in the US for a decade, which came to 1 million units. The strollers were recalled so that a cover could be installed to prevent amputation of a baby’s fingers, which could happen if the baby were to be in the stroller in the wrong spot.

As a luxury brand, this incident was damaging even though it was a misuse of the product and not a defect. Experts believe that Malaren did the right thing in the aftermath of the recall, asking for a fast track recall from the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and got out in front of the recall as it started spreading through the press, saving face and further embracing a mission of child safety.


Answer the following question.


Q1. Give an overview of the case,


Q2. In your opinion, whether recalling strollers for modification was a wise step or not, Comment with justifications..


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