Mba Case Study

Mba Case Study

Mehta Solutions PRODUCTION AND OPERATION MANAGEMENT PRODUCTION AND OPERATION MANAGEMENT  case study.. Product #: case933 Regular price: Rs500 Rs500


Product Code: case933
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Price: Rs500

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Q1. If the number of restrictions on sources be ‘a’ and the number of restrictions on destinations be ‘b’ then with the use of ‘stepping stone procedure’, the number of ‘used cells’ will be

  1. a+b+1

  2. a+b+2

  3. a-b-1

  4. a+b-1


Q2. Value of smoothing coefficient ‘α’ lies

  1. Between 1 and ∞

  2. Between 0 and 1

  3. Between -1 and 1

  4. Between 1 and 2


Q3. Forecasting error is

  1. The difference between forecasted demand and actual demand

  2. The ratio of forecasted demand and actual demand

  3. The difference between the standard forecast demand and the evaluated forecast demand

  4. Ratio of standard forecast demand and the evaluated forecast demand


Q4. For forecasting the analyzers plot the demand data on a time scale, study the plot and then look for the consistent patterns. Now what does the high noise mean to these patterns

  1. Many of the point lie away from the pattern

  2. Most of the points lie close to the pattern

  3. All the points lie on the pattern

  4. None


Q5. Payback period is

  1. The length of time after which the production starts

  2. The length of time after which the selling starts

  3. The length of time required to recover the investment

  4. The length of time for which firm bears replacement of the good.


Q6. Salvage value is the income from

  1. Selling an asset

  2. Buying an asset

  3. Bargaining in selling

  4. Price raised stock


Q7. On total factor basis ‘Productivity’ is given by x/y, where ‘y’ is

  1. Labor + Capital +Materials

  2. Labor + Capital + Materials + Energy

  3. Capital

  4. Capital + Materials


Q8. Economic efficiency is given by

  1. Input /output

  2. Input /100

  3. (Output-input)/input

  4. Output /input


Q9. This implies an effective management that ensures an organization’s long-term commitment to the continuous improvement of quality.

  1. Quality management

  2. Strategic management

  3. Total quality management

  4. Operations management


Q10. This techniques for improving productivity involves analyzing the operations of the product or service, estimate the value of each operation, and modifying (or) improving that operation so that the cost is lowered.

  1. Value engineering

  2. Time-event network

  3. Work simplifications

  4. Quality circles

Part Two:

Q1. What are the different types of models in production and operation management?

Q2. Define ‘Depreciation’.

Q3. What do you understand by ‘Bias’?

Q4. What are ‘Learning curves’?


Q5. What do you recommend? Should the company implement one of the new technologies? Why or why not?

Q6. An operations analyst suggested that company employees shared a “dump on the clerks” mentality. Explain.

Q7. Prepare a worksheet of operations activities that Harrison should inquire about this summer.

Q8. If you were Harrison, what would you do? Why?

Q9. Productivity is an important tool for mangers as it helps them to track progress toward the more efficient use of resources in producing goods and services. Elucidate.

Q10. In additional to operations research, what are the other tools and techniques used by organizations to improve productivity?

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